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Finance Committee

Callout for New Members for the Finance Committee

Submitted by Meagan Synnott on behalf of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is seeking new members:

  • What we do - we help coordinate the budget requests of the various committees, ensure money is spent in keeping with housing co-op regulations, monitor spending throughout the year to ensure the priorities of the co-op as approved by members are being carried out. Make recommendations to the board and membership regarding changes to the housing charges. Help ensure long-term viability of the co-op.

  • Opportunity for people interested in helping co-op be responsible for its own finances and gain knowledge about how the co-op operates on a financial level. You do not need to have a lot of pre-existing knowledge. Great way to learn about the breadth of what the co-op does—if you are new to committees it is a great one to join.

  • We meet every one to two months depending on what is needed from us, usually for an hour. We try to meet outside as much as possible. Most importantly, we will bring snacks now that Covid restrictions are relaxing :)

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