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An FYI from Grounds

Submitted by Pamela Boyd

“Willful waste makes woeful want.”

As a result of our very successful recycling and composting habits we are showing a marked decrease in garbage and need for the big garbage bins. At last week’s General Meeting, membership voted in Ground’s new waste disposal plan. On January 4 the city will be taking away our big garbage bins and BluPlanet will be delivering new, smaller garbage bins along with larger recycling bins and larger compost bins. Each garbage enclosure will contain; 1 garbage bin, 2 recycling bins, 1 compost bin - which will all fit in the existing enclosures. Additionally there will be two big recycling bins; one at the bottom of Sunnyhill Lane and one by the garage. So….when you find there is not enough room in the bin for your stuff, you can find a bigger recycling bin either at the bottom of Sunnyhill Lane or by the garage. Please use them. Remember, Blue Planet charges us an additional fee for any recycling left outside the bin, or for boxes not collapsed.

And then there’s Christmas - you may want to save up your recycling till the new bins arrive on January 4th. We don’t want to be charged for a Christmas mess just as we’re about to make things better.



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