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Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning Deal

Submitted by Sarah Reimer

‘Tis the season for duct and dryer vent cleaning! I recently had Fagnan's come for this purpose, and thought I'd share the pricing structure for members of the co-op. Because Fagnans's maintains our furnaces, they will charge co-op members only $10/ vent and $25 for the dryer vent cleaning. This is a significant savings, but they did say that the cleaning (and this pricing) makes the most sense very nearly after our furnace maintenance. They suggest that dryer vents be cleaned every 2 years to ensure peak performance and lowest fire-risk, but that duct/ heating vents can be on a 3-5 year rotation depending on personal preference. The best person to speak to is Fred Holgate at 403-272-0443.

Hope we can all breathe easier this winter!

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