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Tip: What Kind of Garbage Bag Should You Use?

Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee

Garbage tip:
Should you use biodegradable and/or compostible bags (instead of regular plastic bags) for your black cart garbage?

You would think compostable and biodegradable plastic bags would be more environmentally friendly, right? Turns out – not so much…

“Landfills do not allow biodegradable or compostable bags to break down as intended, and it takes 2.7 times more energy to produce compostable bags than traditional plastic bags.”

The article also mentions that, in landfills, these bags break down by anaerobic (without oxygen) digestion which releases methane. Methane is approximately 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Compostable bags in composting facilities break down by aerobic digestion – with oxygen.

And more: “Trash bags labeled as biodegradable and degradable are often plastic bags with additives that break the plastic into tiny pieces. These pieces can be harmful to the environment and difficult to clean up.”

So what is best to use for household garbage that you put in your black cart:
“you should support the plastic recycling industry by purchasing trash bags made from recycled plastic.”

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