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March 20 Unofficial Board Update

Submitted by Sarah Reimer and Richard Harrison, Unofficial Board Reporters

Hello Sunnyhill, 

The Board is currently discussing a lot of things while we get ready to continue this quarantine for a fairly long stretch.  And while the Co-op is, relatively speaking, running OK we would like to propose that we resume some practices successfully kept the community informed and together during the Flood.

The board will publish a short and to the point “ongoing and unofficial” newsletter through Facebook and member emails— just some quick updates and comments that we hope will add to our sense of community. 

This would be unofficial board reporting, but it will serve a purpose.  While all directors are encouraged to contribute, Sarah and Richard will take on the the administration of this project, mostly to increase information flow and reduce turnaround times. 

We sense the worry, and even if the Board can’t give immediate answers, we want you to know that we are considering and working on all your questions. We’re in this for the long haul. 

With hopes for continued health to you all, 

Board Daily Report

Below is are Board updates that were posted on Facebook earlier this week for your convenience; apologies that they weren't also email out.

March 17

Given the current and rapidly changing global and local landscape, the Board is preparing for upcoming meetings where a large group event will not be possible. We all know that everyone’s personal and professional lives have been burdened with what it takes to cope with the crisis, including staying informed about what the most up-to-date strategies and recommendations are. In keeping with the latest government of Alberta information and the approaches of other public institutions, we are exploring options which would allow us to have a live meeting without the physical compromise of a group event. We will keep you posted about our progress and timelines. We hope you are all faring well. If there is anything that Sunnyhill can do for you during this time, please do not hesitate to call the office. We may be isolated, but we are not alone. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Board of Directors

March 19 

The board has decided to request that Andrea work from home until further notice. Directors have agreed to be her hands in the office- sending required documents (not an exhaustive list ...) etc in order to facilitate successful remote working arrangements.

The details of how this will work are developing, and a more formal notice of this decision will be published on our website later today.

With thanks for your understanding and concern for our whole community.

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