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Grounds Committee Update

Submitted by Cristian Badea-Hasasian on behalf of Grounds Committee

Jumping to a solution before a meticulous analysis and based on instincts and assumptions rather than rigorous technique and lots of data it is the root of the economic and, consequently, social situation we live in today.

Named "global warming" or "consumerism" or "unhealthy diets" or "depression", etc. us, as co-op members, are part of them and have a part in addressing them. Of course, most of us consider them as a problem.

Let's see what the connection to the Grounds would be. We, the members of the committee, started a new journey. We want to make a fast, intelligent, kind, economic and ecological impact on the social group giving us a chance to express our abilities and trust with our spending funds.

Therefore, in our few meetings we discussed more about what would be a solid framework for this committee in the long run rather than jumping around "temporary" solutions. In order to find our ways, we need information and a plan.

Information - we have some, collecting more through research, brainstorming, and asking around.

Plan - for now we should be reactive in order to be able to become proactive and efficient.

We want to have only solutions that are as cheap as possible, ecological, suitable to our coop social status and social standard. Most important the attempt is to be aware of the implications and trajectory into the future.

Example: the money in today's budget is totally unrealistic in today's extreme times - can volunteers do more than talking?

Some small projects have already started.

- Initially seen as "Assets", than as "Categories", than as "Interests" List is going to be a list with things GC (Ground Committee) has to deal with on a permanent level. Watch, maintain, improve, retire.

- The Food Jungle is our "baby" and now is the time to think how it will grow and all of us along it. Any baby comes with responsibilities, problems, and the thought "will we have more babies?"

- Playground inspection: hard to find inspectors. Can we do partial and frequent inspections? Yes, we can for the safety of our kids.

- A co-op vegetation map is going to be "gold" for future developments with vertical landscaping in mind and "can we do more for our planet?" focus.

- Sunnyside Murals Project may find a spot in SHC for visual enjoyment.

- Grounds Cleanup Event - can be fun with or without refreshments. We have to remove Blue Bell Flowers as well as other plants considered weeds. Maybe become a contest? With a little prize?

- Welcome of new members GC package will become available as grounds are an important part in our community year-round.

- Responsible and future aware revision of summer and winter Ground Contracts is going to be a challenge.

- Co-op's shed is full of tools and supplies. As gardening season is slowing down, it is time to inventory and organize things. And plan for improvements.

- Communication is the most important. Please help by (re)sending your list- small or large - of ideas, suggestions, problems, or achievements related to your unit's surroundings. Please keep it simple and send it to the dedicated email: with "idea" in the subject line.

Please join GC meetings as observers and maybe part of our positive brainstorming as we attempt to finalize our requirements list and determine the problems and furthermore good solutions. To find out when the next meeting is, simply ask at with "next" in the subject line.

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