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Furnace Inspections and Outdoor Taps Shut-off Reminder

Submitted by Mollie Mithaug-Cook on behalf of the Buildings Committee

Dear Members,

We realize it's past due time for our regular furnace inspections. We have beenn unable to get a response on availability from Fagnans and have now reached out to ARPI's instead.

The furnace inspections will likely be pushed into the spring, since this is the busiest time of year and we have 66 units to inspect. However, if you have any immediate concerns with your furnace please let us know and we will have someone in to look at it right away.

Fall Reminders:

Fagnans has previously advised us to use the light duty furnace filters. Our older furnaces do not pack a lot of power for the thick hepa filters. So unfortunately these good quality filters only cause the blower to work harder and let less airflow through. It is recommended to change your filter every 1-3 months.

Homedepot has a 3 pack for $6 bucks, this can also come out of your unit fund:

Also, please remember to turn off your outdoor taps. If you haven't done this before or can't remember where your shut-off is, please reach out to Buildings and we will be happy to help.

1. Remove hose and any splitter off your outdoor faucets

2. Locate water shut-off valve(s) on ground level. Often they are located near the outdoor spigot on the interior wall, or sometimes they are placed near the water main. It typically looks like this:

3. Close the water shut off valve until it cannot turn any further.

4. Go back to the faucet outside and open it to let out any remaining water. Leave it open for a minute to be sure it's empty.

5. Now that the water between the shut off valve and the faucet is drained, you can go ahead and close the faucet and you're done!

This is supposedly going to be a cold winter so please ensure this is done ASAP.

Thank you for your patience, and see you at the AGM this Saturday!

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