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Sunnyhill Grounds Clean-up Day September 25

Submitted by Jaée on behalf of the Grounds Committee

Mark your calendars!

Sunnyhill Grounds Clean-up Day

Saturday, September 25th, 10:00-3:00

Time to do a final weeding, water our trees, sweep the pathways, get tree suckers snipped, and generally prepare for the changing seasons. Birds have finished nesting so this is the ideal time to trim hedges so they will be healthy next year.

There are common space tasks to work on together, and we encourage members to also take care of their yards at this time. Remember, members are responsible for trimming hedges on both sides of their yard fence.

We will have a pick-up of trees, branches, and leaves after the clean-up event to take yard waste to the City Compost, so now is the time to get all compostable waste into brown bags. Please store your bags in a weather-protected area by your unit until we identify and announce the pick-up location

Note: SOD IS NOT COMPOSTABLE, and COMPOST BAGS MUST BE FREE OF WEEDS AND GARBAGE. Weeds, garbage and sod go to the City landfill.

And - if you haven't checked out the shed for a while - there are new clippers and an electric hedge trimmer available to help you tackle unruly hedges. We also have a small wood chipper that can take branches up to 2" in diameter. It is only to be used once you have training, so bring branches out to the Clean up day on the 25th to be chipped.

See you on Saturday the 25th! In the case of really bad weather, we will postpone by a week.

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